Invitation to Rest
by: Cal Reebals
January 22, 2025
Oftentimes, I’ve made the mistake of misinterpreting simplicity for lack of depth. Never have I been so wrong. We could all suffer from the same misunderstanding if we choose to overlook the simple practice of being still.
Why is this important? When I am still, my heart becomes aware of Him.
Stillness means I just get to be. There’s nothing to do, nothing to think about, and nothing to plan.
Have you ever been on a long road trip with someone you enjoy and love spending time with? Almost always, at some point during the trip, there comes a moment where the conversation slows down and quietness seeps into the drive. While there could be more things to talk about, there’s not a need to fill the air with conversation. You are simply soaking in the presence of one another. I believe that’s what God desires in us. Words are often cheap. There is no explanation that can do justice to the experience of enjoying the presence of the Lord.
Stillness positions me to recognize I can do nothing apart from Him, and that I don’t have to. So often, life will test me to see if I’ll get in a hurry and make my own decisions based on what I think is best. Stressful circumstances will try to tell me I am alone, and that I need to figure things out for myself. Then all in a moment, I’ve lost my awareness of God.
We must live from the place of stillness to know that He is God. He is good, He is sovereign, and He is trustworthy.
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord.” Jeremiah 17:7
Worry and anxiety are fears that attempt to pressure me into moving without God. Stillness positions me to wait on the Lord for everything, acknowledging that He is my strength and apart from Him, I can do nothing. Pastor Bill Johnson once said, “A moment in God’s presence is far greater than hours in man’s strategies.” I love this. It reminds me that the kingdom is so upside down and counterintuitive.
1 Corinthians 1:27 says,“But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong;”
Naturally, you would think that strength looks like the ability to do a lot of great things all by yourself, but the Bible emphasizes neediness and dependence.
David, one of the greatest kings to ever walk the earth, lived from a posture of dependence on the Lord even in the midst of his great victories and conquests.
In Psalm 40:17, David says “As for me, I am poor and needy, but the Lord takes thought for me...”
As children of God, we get to come as we are. We get to bring our weaknesses and make Him our trust. This is where we find true rest.
In Exodus 33:14, the Lord says, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
He alone gives rest. He’s calling us to just be His kids and depend on Him for everything. In this Father/son relationship, His desire is to play the role of being the provider. He’s responsible for opening the door. We just get to trust Him and go wherever He leads. His leadership is not complicated, but it always requires faith.
So what now? Well at some point today, I’d encourage you to just go for a drive, take a nap, or just find a quiet spot to sit. Whatever it is, just simply acknowledge Him in your heart, and as you begin to sense His presence, His perfect peace will wash over you.
He is with you, so rest in His goodness.
Worship: Song of Solomon
Lord, I pray that You move us into the humble posture of stillness. We can do nothing apart from You. You are the way, the truth, and the life. You satisfy every desire and every good gift comes from You. I pray that You would take us into an even greater level of dependence. Show us the places where we’ve filled our lives with distractions. Bring us back to the simplicity of depending on You for everything. You are our daily bread. Thank You for ALWAYS being good. You’re so trustworthy Jesus. We love You. Amen.
Further Study
Matthew 6:25-34
Since when did obeying the Word of God - the words of Jesus become “radical” or “religious”?